outkicking our coverage 2019Our nation was created with the admiration and fear of one true God and the respect for each other..... but now has decided God should only be in the churches. We have gotten too wealthy, too proud, too shielded from the rest of the world. Even people in government housing and some prisons live better than middle class in most countries. When God is removed, people no longer serve each other.. but their own needs and wants.
The U.S. has outkicked its coverage and let the ONE reason we were so blessed become something our judges' rule against, politicians turn their heads when Christians and Jews are persecuted and think that we can govern 325 million free people without being led by God. Each writing's purpose is to help people realize how blessed we are, pull back where we are overstepping boundaries and focus on the people around us that are in need. The Truth about Eggs and Bacon - December
Control, the illusion of truth - november
How the book ends - october
All right now - september
Your kids are watching - august
spiritual trampoline - july
Dazed and confused - June
remember why - may
The war around us - april
When the power goes out - march
Love & selfishness - February
Walls - January